
Standard Alcubierre metric setup


Create the Alcubierre warp solution in a defined spacetime grid.

Alcubierre Metric

The metric is then given (in the line element representation) by:

For more details on the Alcubierre metric, please read:


The metric is constructed using the parameters of the Alcubierre metric in the user-defined spacetime grid parameters.

The comoving version of this metric called metricGet_AlcubierreComoving has the same inputs but requires that the gridSize along t = 1 and will return the metric in the Galilean comoving frame.


[metric] = metricGet_Alcubierre(gridSize,worldCenter,v,R,sigma, gridScale)

[metric] = metricGet_AlcubierreComoving(gridSize,worldCenter,v,R,sigma, gridScale)

Input Arguments

blue are required inputs.

orange are optional inputs with native default values.

Output Arguments

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