In addition to whether the computation is done on the CPU or GPU, what order of finite differencing is also selectable with the getEnergyTensor function call. The default is 4th order.
%% AlcubierregridSize = [1202020];worldCenter = (gridSize+1)./2;velocity = 0.5;R = 5;sigma = 0.5;Metric = metricGet_AlcubierreComoving(gridSize,worldCenter,velocity,R,sigma);% Compute energy tensor on CPU using fourth orderEnergyTensorFourth = getEnergyTensor(Metric,0,'fourth');% Compute energy tensor on CPU using second orderEnergyTensorSecond = getEnergyTensor(Metric,0,'second');% Plotting Energy Tensorclffor i = 1:4for j = 1:4 h = nexttile; surfq(EnergyTensorFourth.tensor{i,j}(1,:,:,round(worldCenter(4))),'EdgeColor','none') title(num2str(i) +","+ num2str(j))endendsgtitle( +" Energy Tensor Fourth Order")% Plotting Energy Tensorclffor i = 1:4for j = 1:4 h = nexttile; surfq(EnergyTensorSecond.tensor{i,j}(1,:,:,round(worldCenter(4))),'EdgeColor','none') title(num2str(i) +","+ num2str(j))endendsgtitle( +" Energy Tensor Second Order")
Deciding between fourth vs second order
For almost all applications, fourth order is preferred over second order. However, when analyzing sharp metric transitions, second order can be a helpful check on the finite differencing errors.